Friday, October 8, 2010

PosteRazor; Generating Posters from Regular Sized Pictures

One of the things I have found most challenging is coming up with ideas that are computer related to cover the cinder block walls of my Computer Lab.  Over the last couple of years I have slowly but surely accomplished this and one tool has helped quite a bit.  PosteRazor.  PosteRazor is a Freeware software download that enables you to convert almost anything you have into unlimited sizes using 8x11 paper.  The PosteRazor wizard leads you through 5 steps to convert almost anything into a multi-paged PDF that can be printed and then put together to make a great looking poster. 
The only drawback is that the original picture needs to be a really good quality picture.  Otherwise it'll get blurrier the larger you go with it.  My latest poster is an over-sized keyboard.  There are instances everyday where it would be great to have a large keyboard on the wall to demonstrate specific keystrokes to the Students.  It took a while for me to get this done though because of finding a good quality picture.  Any picture I would take would be too shiny or too grainy.  I lucked out the other day and found a great image online that came real close to matching our keyboards.   I took this picture and ran it through PosteRazor to create a poster 10 pages wide (portrait) and three pages high.  I was very happy with the results.  So if your looking for a great utility, this is it.  Check out the link and have fun.

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