Monday, October 4, 2010

Our Digital Microscopes are Really Fun to Use

On the whole, the job of a Computer instructor is fun on it's own.  However, there are peaks.  Learning how to use these new digital microscopes was defiantly a big one.  I love gadgets and these are great.  The QX5 Computer Microscope was obtained for our school by one of our second grade teachers last year.  I was asked to set them up to be used with our Laptop cart.  We at first had some issues using these with MAC OSx.  windows was no problem at all.  After some hunting around we were able to find some MAC friendly drivers.  The microscope itself looks very cool.  It has three powers of magnification, 10x, 60x, and 200x.  They are really useful in that they have overhead lighting and underneath lighting also.  The software package that comes with them is pretty fun to.  There are options to save your magnified picture or video along with ways to record observations or even draw on the magnified pictures.
The microscopes were used pretty exclusively by second grade last year.  I have heard interest from fourth and am hoping more levels will try these microscopes out with their lessons.  Here is a video demo of the scope I found online. 

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